Commitment to quality care, always.

OptiMed ensures the highest quality of service.


A nonprofit organization founded in 1986 by home care industry providers, Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is a recognized leader in pharmacy compliance. Its licensed pharmacist surveyors provide comprehensive assessments designed to enhance business operations while ensuring compliance. Pharmacies achieving ACHC accreditation must demonstrate their commitment to quality through compliance with national regulations and industry best practices.

OptiMed Specialty Pharmacy是一家经ACHC认证的输液治疗供应商,位于密歇根州西南部。我们利用我们的认证护理网络,为美国各地的门诊患者提供安全、实惠的用药选择。我们专注于针对各种疾病状态的治疗。